In the 2nd week of October, I was getting ready for the baby, his crib, blankees, sheets, diapers, wipes, etc. My due date was actually Oct. 14. Last Thursday, I was working at my workstation, retyping my mom's recipes in the computer, sudden feeling of PMS. I wonder how come I feeling where I'm already pregnant. So I called my friend & ask her why I'm feeling like menstrual pain. She said I'm actually having contractions! I thought contractions happens on the tummy itself. She said that it depends. Usually it's under the tummy, sometimes at the back or thighs.
By that Thursday evening, the pain was getting tremendous, I can't sleep properly. I woke up every 2 hours. Then Friday morning, the contractions are getting closer to each other like 6-10 minutes apart. So my hubby & I went to the hospital.
We got there, they put on gadgets around my tummy to monitor the baby's heartbeat & the contractions... then they checked my cervix, it opened only 3cm. They asked me to walk around the hospital for at least an hour or 2. When we get back, still 3cm. So they asked to go home & observe.
That afternoon at 4, the pain was getting intensely. Until 8:30pm, the interval was getting 5 minutes apart. We decided to go back to the hospital. They checked me again, it was 4cm. I was admitted until the following morning.
I transferred to the delivery room, still waiting. They checked again, still 4cm. I was told to breathe through the contractions for the cervix to open up. But the pain was so tremendous! I've asked for epidural. After having the anesthesia, I slept until 10am the following morning. They checked again, it was 9cm! Wow! But we still waited. I slept again until 12nn, again they checked me, I was fully dilated +2! I was ready to push!
It's very hard to push at first. The feeling was like I wanted to go poop. Then eventually the head was there! The nurse told me to hold it & wait for the doctor. Omigosh!! Hold it?!? Darn! It's already past 5 minutes, the doctor wasn't there! "I can't hold it!"
The doctor arrived. I was still holding it... I pushed 4x, & voila! Out came the baby! Whew!
Baby Mavie came out at 1:36pm. He was 7.2 lbs, 20" long. My hubby was in tears, according to some nurses when the baby came out.. LOL
Wow! At last, everything's ok... the baby's ok. I'm ok too, at least I won't be having buldging belly until my next pregnancy.
I posted all photos at my Facebook & Multiply sites.
I'll be posting more photos & follow-ups from the baby. :)